Local business service

About OwlTing local business service

by OBOOK Inc.

OwlTing is a search engine for places .

We aggregate our places data from user’s recommendations, from restaurants, cafes, hotels, travel spots and all kinds of local businesses.

Unlike other review sites or Apps, our data comes from people you trust because we believe the value of trusted recommendations is much more important than stars ratings or review numbers from strangers.

Since launched our service on day one, we already have 12 languages localized.Our mission is to become friends of every local businesses at every corner in the world and this is how we build our products – think locally and make it globally.

Through OwlTing, you are able to encourage customers to recommend your business and let their friends come to you. We are a software built on the core of world-of-mouth.

In the near future, we will provide necessary service on mobile like shopping, payments and anything that will make you easier to grow your business.

We also have another great product- OBOOK app, selected as Featured App by Apple since debut in 2012.

Welcome to OwlTing